Koetong wool producer takes fleece from paddock to product, says knitting remains strong post lockdowns

About 400 kilometres north-east of Melbourne in the Upper Murray, you'll find one of Australia's most remote craft stores. 

"Koetong is in the middle of nowhere," says owner Meaghan Williams.

"It's in the middle of a state forest. It's just a pub and us, but it's a nice out-of-the-way place."

Ms Williams relocated to her farm 10 years ago and has been running a flock of 150 sheep and 60 alpacas.

She is not your average wool producer.

Ms Williams sells her homegrown, hand-dyed yarn from the farm and meets what she says is a steady demand from knitters and other craft artists.

"We shear here on farm, we scour down in Geelong, we send it to another place and get it carded, and then it all comes back here where I dye it and sell it online, in-store, and at markets," she says.

End of article: https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2023-07-31/koetong-wool-producer-fleece-from-paddock/102661324


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