Delivering projects for the Upper Murray.
Innovation Upper Murray LDS
Innovation Upper Murray, a Local Development Strategy (LDS), is a partnership between Upper Murray Inc, Towong Shire Council, the Upper Murray Community Recovery Committee, RMIT University and the Victorian government. Using a place-based strategy in regional development, this two-year project will champion exciting innovation opportunities that reflect the Upper Murray's unique strengths.
Energy Resilience & Reliability project
The Upper Murray Energy Resilience and Reliability project, was developed with the community following the devastating 2019-20 bushfires. This project has been developed to shore up the region’s electricity supply.
Upper Murray Visitor Guide
In 2018 UMI partnered with Marketing Upper Murray to create and produce the Upper Murray Business and Visitors Guide. Jo Mackinnon and Sarah Whiteley volunteered to reimagine and deliver a guide that would inspire tourists to visit the Upper Murray.
Upper Murray Community Recovery Plan
When the Upper Murray was severely impacted by the 2019/2020 bushfires, UMI took a leadership role in the recovery process, on behalf of the community, to identify need and apply for funding to rebuild social and economic security.

Support us.
Your donation of much needed funds will help us to resource and deliver projects of real impact for the Upper Murray and its community.
All donations to UMI are tax deductible.